Brief history of the HKIAP
The idea of forming a Hong Kong Division of IAP was conceptualized by Prof. Joseph Lee and Dr. Philip Allen In 1986. The issue was raised and agreed at the AGM of the Hong KongPathology Society that year. It was envisaged that the Hong Kong Division would become a focal point of contact with Divisions of IAP in other countries and with the international office of IAP in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. The Constitution and By-laws were then drawn up. Through a postal poll, Dr. C.W. Chan, Prof. Faith Ho and Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee were appointed as conveners.
In 1987, an interim committee was set up with Dr. Lily Ma as Chairman, Dr. S.K. Chan as Honorary Secretary, Dr. W.P. Mak as Honorary Treasurer, Dr. C.W Chan, Dr. Y.F. Chan, Dr. H.C. Ho and Prof. J.C.K. Lee as Members.
The Hong Kong Division was officially formed in November 25, 1990 after obtaining formal approval from the Registrar of Societies. Dr. W.P. Mak was elected as the first President.
Since then, the following have served as presidents of the Division: Dr. John K.C. Chan (1992), Dr. H.K. Ng (1993), Professor J.C.K. Lee (1994), Dr. Michael W.M. Suen (1995),
Dr. W.F. Ng (1996), Dr. M.S. Tsui (1997), Dr. W.Y. Lam (1998), Dr. K.T. Loo (1999) and Dr. C.S. Ng (2000) and Dr. Tony W.H. Shek (2001).
Since its establishment, HKIAP has organized annual scientific meetings around October/November with invited speakers of international status. These are two-day meeting including abstract presentation, planary lecture, symposium and slides seminar, usually with 1 or 2 themes each year. The speakers for the meetings were: Dr. Richard L. Kempson & Dr. F. Stephen Vogel (1991), Dr. Virginia LiVolsi and Dr. Christopher D.M. Fletcher (1992), Dr. Juan Rosai & Maria L. Carcangiu (1993), Dr. A.B. Ackerman (1995), The International Liver Pathology Study Group (1996), Dr. Thomas Colby (1997), Dr. Richard L. Kempson (1998), David Bostwick (1999) and Dr. Aileen M. Marty (2000), Dr. Leon Barnes (2002).These annualscientific meetings were well-attended by local members as well as pathologists from Macau, Mainland China, and occasionally from southeast Asia, Australia and other countries.
With the dedication and hard work of many members, Hong Kong hosted the International Congress of IAP on 9-14 October 1994 at the Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wanchai. It was a very successful event with over 1,000 participants from various countries. In 2001, an International Joint Congress was co-organised with the Hong Kong College of Pathologists and the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. It was held on 4-7 October 2001 in the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Building. The theme of the meeting was on "Challenges and opportunities in Pathology: COP". This was another very successful event, with over 500 participants.
Numerous other educational activities are also organized throughout the years. Some of these are in collaboration with other organizations. The most regular of such activities is the "Histopathology Course", which is held in a few Saturday afternoons around May/June each year. Some of these educational activities are held in collaboration with other organisations.